Website and roller coaster parameters
Take STAR Science section #1
H.W. Video notes - Newton's Laws of Motion
Complete Reading Response packet (Due next Wednesday)
D.W. Check H.W. and STAR review
Website and roller coaster parameters Take STAR Science section #1 H.W. Video notes - Newton's Laws of Motion Complete Reading Response packet (Due next Wednesday)
D.W. Check test prep/review packet
Practice force problems Build time: super structure, explore element designs and folding Website structure and parameters (rubric) Exploring potential and kinetic energy - car crash H.W. STAR test review packet #2 for Thursday Sect. 10.2 reading response, pgs. 54 - 55 D.W. Analyze data from Inclined to Roll Lab
Experiment with marble track: calc. speed., kinetic vs. potential energy, loop, spiral Check H.W. Laws of Motion Company meetings: Design superstructure, explore folding elements, and website restrictions Work Time: buy some materials, start building superstructure Quiz & work time - 5th period H.W. Practice Questions - STAR Science Test: Due for review on Tuesday Continue to work on Newton's Laws research packet (all Due 10.2 - 10.4 due Wednesday, May 3) D.W. Practice distance, displacement, and speed problems
Peer review sandbox websites (Rubric) Analysis of Shape Strength Company Meeting: Model/Drawing of super structure Inclined to Roll Lab H.W. Study for Quiz (Thursday) Start Research on Motion Laws: Read pgs. 374 - 377 Reading Response pgs. 51 - 52 D.W. Math requiz
Check Research packet pgs. 35 - 36, 38 & Speed Calculations Analyzing speed, distance and time graphs Introduce Ch9 concept/vocab. quiz Study Guide Company meeting: research and determine elements to include in rollercoaster (12 - 15) Website instruction and work time Inclined to Roll Lab H.W. Complete questions for Lab Website Sandbox Project Due Tuesday D.W. Check HW- pg. 32 and distance vs. displacement
Working with calculating speed formula Instruction/Resources for website project (Due next Tuesday) Company Meeting (20 min.) - review ideas, pick theme and brainstorm, tech lead (cost analysis), assignments Inclined to Roll Lab (set up and start gathering data) Entrepreneurship guest speaker H.W. Complete Research Reading Packet pgs. 35 - 36, 38 (Due Thursday) Complete calculating speed worksheet (by Thursday) D.W. Check HW pgs. 29 - 30
Distance vs. Displacement Staff meeting - name company & review assignments Introduce Website Project (Due Tuesday, April 19) H.W. Company Assignments for Tuesday meeting Pg. 32 of packet complete by Tuesday, rest due next Thursday D.W. Intro to Roller Coaster Project and Resources
Create Companies and Preliminary Brainstorm Start Content Research and Packet: Chapter 9 pgs. 338 - 363 H.W. Content Packet pgs. 29 - 30 due Friday Rest of Content Packet Due next Thursday, pgs. 32, 35 -36, 38 |
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